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Order next year’s School Supplies Online!  Shipped directly to Your Home!


You can get your school supplies in two ways:


A) Purchase all school supplies individually at local stores  —- OR —-

B) You can order them online and have them delivered right to your door before the Meet & Greet/School Supply Drop-Off !  


The Shaffer School Supply Packs include all items on your child’s classroom list with a few exceptions (calculators & headphones, for example).  Any items not included are offered to be purchased individually at the bottom of the online order form (calculators & headphones, for example).  The only item not available for purchase are backpacks.  “Recycler Packs” are available as well – this is a pack that does not include items that your child can re-use from last year such as pencil boxes and rulers.

Please note:  If your child’s grade supply list has girls bringing item “A” and boys bringing item “B”, please know that EduKit will take all orders for that grade and simply split half with item “A” and half with item “B” and send them to homes.  Therefore it does not matter if your order is not the girl or boy item, because all items will reach the classrooms with both products in even amounts.  Just take to your classroom the products in your supply pack!


Check it out!  Great prices and a simple process!  This is NOT a fundraiser for Shaffer.  Shaffer PTA decided to offer our parents the lowest price possible and coordinate this for you through a company called EduKit.  


Go to this link to order:

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